Your free gift is on its way to your inbox, but before you go, check out this very special offer, just for you!
OVERWEIGHT and fed up with it, yet at a total loss HOW to lose the pounds?
  • The "Way to You!" weightloss and personal development programme is based on scientific facts and allows you to eat well while eating the right amount of calories required to lose weight at a steady rate, which means your body will soon be what you desire it to be and your life will become far easier.
  • ​Done for you MENUS take the sweat out of deciding what to eat, how much and when so that you can just get on with your weightloss journey and find the weight comes off you easily and smoothly so that you can achieve the body of your dreams and escape from health problems. (Meat eaters and Vegetarians are catered for)
  • The Programme offers Modules on Exercising and your Mindset so that you can find ways to enhance your experience to the full and give yourself the best opportunities to make your body the envy of others you may have envied in the past.
  • ​You can download this programme immediately and begin  losing weight today- get your life on track without delay.
Seriously if you are confused and fed up with all the products out there and cannot find a Sane sensible weightloss Programme which actually works then listen up- You are not alone and never will be!

with 'THE WAY TO YOU!'Weightloss and personal Development programme.

Have you spent nights lying awake trying to figure out how you can lose your excess weight?
Do you wonder if there is a programme for you which is SAFE, SANE and SENSIBLE?

Perhaps you've tried to follow plans or taken pills,potions,supplements which never worked and are now resigned to always being overweight and miserable....
You see the weight loss industry does not care what happens to you.It just wants your money, not your success, and the longer it can string you along and dangle you from a thread the better...and the more desperate you get, the longer it'll claim your custom!
They just want you to fail,fail,fail...........
Truly weightloss can be a lottery.
The choice of what is out there is like nothing else and half the products are dangerous to your health or just simply a joke. Maybe you have tried some.

 Maybe your own lack of information has led you up blind alleys or you have been flooded by repeat subscription products where you did not know how to stop the deliveries and your card suddenly showed you had become someone's benefactor without knowing how....

And worse than this,everyone seems to have an angle,everyone's an expert and you have been flooded by so  many bright ideas on how to lose weight that you could write a book about it!
Boring, huh?!
Trying to lose weight should be fairly straightforward but in reality it is a world full of quacks,imposters,charlatans and amateur chemists and before you know it your problems could have doubled in this ocean of greed,ignorance and negligence.
   I was there once, a seemingly lost soul in this ocean trying to figure what to do with all that weight.
  I was totally miserable carrying a whole load of excess weight which seemed to go up and up and up.I was spreading out seemingly unstoppably. Every week I felt a little heavier,a couple of pounds,say. It went on and on....the car springs groaned and sank lower as I got into it,offended by the excess burden;the stairs would creak in protest as though they might splinter at any moment; the bath would acknowledge the heavy weight and displace half its contents onto the floor! I was worried.
     I wondered constantly how `I was going to turn the tide of acceleration of weight gain towards obesity. I'd feel the fabric of jeans stretch across my thighs and the button become harder to do up. I looked at myself in the mirror and it told me things I did not want to know. I drank steadily in the neighbouring pubs without any real pleasure-a continuation of my post divorce period when I'd chosen drinking as my next career move.
      I'd become a joke to myself and to others, and my ability to deal with it was not up to standard.Life was quite hard and the constant conversation within me was about finding the solution to this weight problem.
  At this point counting calories in relation to weight of food seemed beyond my skillset. I tried a couple of solutions, one of which seemed downright dangerous. It involved sachets added to water to create shakes which were instead of food. For three days I felt faint and sweated very unnaturally. In the end I decided being fat was safer to my wellbeing. Other things were suggested and it seemed everyone was a weightloss expert except for me.But I had to lose the pounds. I was in reality a thin person inside trying to get out!
    One scheme involved drastically cutting my liquid intake,so that all the cups of tea and coffee were eliminated and I just drank small amounts of water. Fortunately I have an inbuilt safety mechanism which threw this one out completely for I know the effects of not drinking anything and they are worse than being overweight.
     I ate more out of necessity than out of any interest in food and my cooking was cursory. My diet was haphazard and lacked protein especially. I was vegetarian but I suspect I'd have been better off eating meat. Basically I was nutritionally semi-illiterate and along with my lack of confidence I presented a fairly sorry sight. Really I existed and survived but not a great deal more and inside me I was sad and angry because this matter was so hard to solve.
     So it was with some scepticism that when I was told about the food plan that I decided to give it a look. It was not hard to leave my life as it was; the people, the places and activities because I was bored and unengaged. When actually I discoved that there was a way of losing weight I could actually follow it was mindboggling. I had to change what I ate but it worked and became really involved in it and saw results soon. I also felt I was being saved from an early heartattack. It was a revelation and after a few weeks I knew that my body was getting the proper nutrition.
    My attitude towards food and cooking was doing a 180 and I found I was beginning to enjoy food again, as one should.One does enough eating, so why not let it be a good rather than a curse?

I found the dedication and the desire to get to where I wanted fairly easy. Alcohol dropped away like it had never been a part of my life; there was not even a hint of withdrawal or psychological angst.Which is just as well as it packs on the pounds like no tomorrow exists.
    I met my old drinking buddies from time to time.Why was I not with them still when there was nothing wrong with being fat and propping up a bar?  I had an answer but I am sure they would not have understood. The simple truth was that it was actually more amusing losing weight and not being around people without insight. I enjoyed spending more time on my own pursuing constructive plans at last and I developed  my more creative side while I was about it.
        I had every incentive too that year as it was suddenly a brilliant summer for once and being thinner meant one could be more out there in the sun. Adapting to a slimmer form was not hard as I still possessed clothes from before I put the weight on and going down sizes and finding I slipped into smaller jeans was a brilliant encouragement for me. My desire was total and noone could have put me off because they would just be moved aside if they did. Singlemindedness  is like that!
     When I finally reached my target weight I had solved a number of ills in my life,not least health and potential health problems, and my personality had benefitted massively too. Really I had undergone an inner transformation which was akin to ALCHEMY.
   You see losing weight is not  just about the pounds you lose but how it affects you on the inside. The inner journey can be as special as the outer one and I noticed many changes within me as I progressed and  I felt far more real to myself.It was great.
    Confidence was one obvious change, and self belief. It was more possible to feel like I knew things and could make points with authority.Also I had had to focus on this one project so much that I knew I had the self discipline to do it.My mindset had changed and the depression I felt before I started gave way to a certain lightness of spirit.
       Alchemy is the process of turning base metal to gold using the philosophers stone. I had found this process in relation to my body and outcome of my slim self was as precious as any gold.Truly I had become my best version!

      Now you may be thinking how interesting that is but what does it have to do with YOU? You may even feel some sort of envy because much of the first part of my story is about you too and your experience.
  Well I  just want  to let you know I did not write all that just to get a cheap thrill out of exciting some sort of envy in you about me and to parade my success in front of you. Some of you are where I was and wandering in that desert where everything seems uncertain and you are desperate and at the mercy of the weightloss industry.
 You are seeking solutions to your problem and you are looking for a programme that fits the bill for you. Which is just up my street as I really would like to be of assistance to you in your weightloss journey and to help you to discover the joys of actually succeeding in your dreams.
I am here to tell you that you really can have it as I had it without your search continuing any more!
You see if you have read this far then you are more than likely a person looking for the solution to a weight problem you have which will actually do the business for you!

Mike  Ram
    I am someone who was fat person on the outside but a thin person on the inside and it was killing me...I was so lost!
    But I never gave up thinking I could deal with the weight and when I found my solution I dedicated myself to dealing with the problem.
   So I can relate to you on your journey and feel empathy with the suffering it has caused you.
  Wondering how you are going to overcome this problem can be a huge problem,so that not only are you carrying weight on your body,but also in your mind.
    Anyway having solved the problem for myself a while back it has been my desire to help others do the same, improve their health and recapture the body of their dreams,which I am now in a position to do. So read on.....

So how would that be like for YOU? How would you feel if a solution to your problem was here?
 Would it make you feel somewhat Happier? Lighter?
 The fact is that it is amazing to lose all those pounds.It is wonderful to move with ease and grace and not to have chairs break when you sit on them. It is a relief too when people are no longer creating extra space for you to sit in or simply avoiding you because your size excludes you.It is brilliant belonging to the normal sized people and not the overweight ones. Are you getting it?
   It's brilliant to fit into smaller clothes and if you've been shopping for outsize garments then buying from within the normal range. Freedom can be like that so that you feel alive and vibrant where once you felt alone and sad.Imagine that and having it all within your grasp as of today!

Believe it that nudity could feel a whole lot less confronting especially when with lovers.
Your whole performance will improve for sure and your desirability come back into view....wouldn't that be great? Are you getting it?

  Maybe walking down a beach will become a possible reality, or doing something requiring a physical skillset you were afraid you did not have.
Even the way work colleagues treat you may change because you're not the one trying to down another drink in a hurry. In any case you have taken charge of your situation and impress them now!
 And just imagine how it will be if this is for you and the time and the money you have spent on things which have not worked just stops being wasted beyond this point! The long hard search could be over......TODAY!

In short, how exactly will you feel as the slimmer, lighter, happier, more confident YOU?
If the answer to that last question is 'GREAT!' then this is for YOU...
Let me introduce you To....
  'The Way to You!' Is  a Programme I am delighted to bring in front of you as a solution to weight problems which provides sane,safe and sensitive solutions to  this common millstone by allowing you to integrate physical weightloss plans with Exercising and Personal Growth so that the YOU who emerges at the end of the process is slimmer,healthier happier and a more complete and rounded human being who has been on a constructive programme of self integration physically,mentally and emotionally.

So here is what is being offered in
'The Way to You!' programme.
Module 1.Introduction to the Programme.
In this first module I introduce you to this programme and why I constructed it this way so that you get a clear idea of how to approach losing weight in a way which gives you personal enhancement and life changing benefits. How does weightloss lead to Personal Developement?
Module 2. The Weightloss Programme.
 In this module you receive details of how you will lose weight.You are given an outline of what to do,a foodplan to follow and menus to give you guidance towards a slimmer happier you.
This plan follows 7 day cycles of meals constructed for sane and easy weightloss so that you do not have to do thinking about your food, and so long as you can buy food from the shops this experience is well within your compass. There are also Vegetarian menus which can be adapted for Vegans. The instructions on how to do the plans are straightforward and all you have to do is prepare and eat and watch the pounds come off.
Module 3. Exercise and Fitness.
In this module the need to follow exercise plans is set out and details given of how energy is consumed when you carry out various sports and exercise. This is a vital companion to the food loss plans and will make your body a well tuned instrument to enjoy and show off as you lose weight.
Module 4. Mindset and Motivation.Key tips.
 All human endeavour starts between the ears and weightloss involves plenty of mental application and understanding. This module will bring home to you the importance of enrolling your mental side as positively as possible in your weightloss journey by highlighting certain areas where you need to be aware and understand how best to faciliate your efforts towards your goals.
Module 5. Easy to follow menus.
 Following menus which are designed to give you the right amount for your purposes makes weightloss a good  experience. Also with vegetarian menus. Start off your journey the right way.
And, on this page only, I am going to give you the following bonuses which are not available elsewhere.

Super Cool Bonus #1
Special Weightloss Hypnosis mp3.
This gives the mind the chance to be prepared to be free to lose weight without conflicts and mental blocks in the way. Be prepared to be relaxed and just float along listening to the voice.
Super Cool Bonus #2
 Ebook- 'Journey to the Self'.
 Discover how easily you can find a way to your deeper being in this booklet which describes special technique for stopping the mental traffic.
Super Cool Bonus #3
 Charts of Food Values and Exercise values.
These charts explain the basic values of different foods you may wish to you use so that you eating experience becomes more varied as you learn to put together your own made up meals.Also you can choose out of many forms of exercise and know how much energy you burn when you you do.
The features of these bonuses is to give you extra mental strength in order that you can maximise your efforts and become sufficiently in control. This allows you to have a better happier life as a result and to enjoy being YOU without having anyone get in the way of it !
The value of this is incomparable and will show you how to become the strong person you naturally are.
So While you can get this offer at this reduced price,I urge you to go and buy 'The Way to YOU!'  and discover today the delights of Being in charge of your life again by losing excess weight.
limited time offer!
 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Let me remind you of what you will get if you purchase 'The Way to You! weightless and personal development programme while the price is only $57.00.....
  Firstly there is the Weightloss Product with food quantities, Exercise Material,Mindset  and Motivation,as well as enough menus to keep you going which will allow you to move ahead with your weightloss process while understanding the sort of mental adaptations you need to adjust to your present circumstances. The goal is to be happy and in control and this programme offers a great perspective on finding happiness within by losing the excess weight you carry and toning your body into the body of your dreams, as well as finding your inner self transforming into a happy,satisfied and well functioning person.

 Don't forget you could make it your mission to do the best transformation job on yourself imaginable and perform the most perfect alchemy on yourself. 
 Don't forget, the hardest bit could be about to end if you buy this today!

Mike S Ram.
    Follow instructions on how to lose weight eating REAL food safely and sanely which helps you 
    Get slim with proper nutrition ... You can achieve your dream of being healthier and happier

    Easy to follow explicit menus which specify exacly what to eat which lets you You do not have 
    to work out what to eat and how much ... You can reach your weightloss goal easily and 

    Exercise plans and charts which enables you to You can supplement you weightloss with 
    enjoyable ways of exercising your body so Become the sleak slim and toned body you've 
    always desired.

    Mind and motivational tips and advice which lets you YOu discover how to make your 
    weightloss path free of pitfalls and obstacles so you can Become a weightloss warrior 

          Here’s A Recap Of
          EVERYTHING You'll Get
          When You Purchase 'The Way to You!' weightloss programme...
          • The Weightloss Plan Itself. ($250)
          • The Exercise Module($57)
          • The Mind and Motivation Module($47)
          • Menus for Meateaters and Vegetarians.($127)
          • Bonus 1 :Weightloss Hypnosis mp3 ($47)
          • Bonus 2:Tips and further information to aid your efforts($57)
          • Bonus 3:Charts and tables for your information($57)
          • ​Bonus 4:Membership of Facebook closed group dedicated to programme.(Priceless)
          Total Value: $643
          But today, you're getting all of this...
          For Only For $57
          Step #1: Contact Information
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